by Ingrid Nova | Dec 29, 2016 | Events, Speakers for the Month
The Rotary Club of East Lansing is pleased to welcome speaker Ingham County Commissioner Mark Grebner for the meeting on Monday, January 9, 2017. Commissioner Grebner will be giving an Ingham County Update and will include a discussion of local political trends.
Ingham County Commissioner Mark Grebner Bio:
Mark Grebner came to East Lansing in 1970 to attend MSU, but never got around to moving away or finding a real job. After 11 years spent continuously enrolled as an undergraduate, in 1981 the University handed him a degree and declared that he had graduated. To console himself, he enrolled in law school in Ann Arbor, which occupied a further five happy years, until they too kicked him out. His law practice amounts to either a joke or a hobby, depending on whom you ask.
Back 1976, at the age of 23, he was elected to the Ingham County Board of Commissioners, running on the slogan: “No Worse Than The Rest”, in a seat which covered most of the MSU campus. Originally disguised as a long-haired hippie, he has been elected to 16 terms, with a couple of short breaks. He now represents some of the grandchildren of his original constituents, having neither updated his political views nor his hairstyle. He is running for yet another term, and has brought a sample of his signs with a new slogan.
To fill the time freed up by being out of school and not holding a real job, Mark claims to be a professional political consultant, specializing in what he describes as “cheap, second-rate, polling.” He is famous for his work with voter lists, with the fame primarily due to the fact no one understands what he does with them, or why it matters.
All Welcome!
The Rotary Club of East Lansing meets every Monday at 12 noon at MSU University Club in East Lansing. Lunch for guests and visiting Rotarians is $18. All are welcome to attend! If you have any questions, please contact or call 517-604-6360.
by Ingrid Nova | May 19, 2013 | Speakers for the Month
Upcoming Speakers
We have a great lineup of speakers for East Lansing Rotary in June:
June 3 – Club Assembly where we’ll preview final details of the $500,000 Playground in the Park Reimagined!
June 10 – State Representative Sam Singh (D-East Lansing) will update us on education, healthcare expansion and the state budget.
June 17 – Dizzy Warren of Michigan Consumers for Healthcare will update us on how the Affordable Healthcare Act will impact Michigan
June 24 – Heather Spielmaker of Cooley Law School will tell us about how the nation’s largest law school is assisting our veterans
All club meetings begin at noon at the University Club of East Lansing. Guests are welcome to join us (the buffet lunch is $15). For more information click here.
by Ingrid Nova | Apr 16, 2013 | Speakers for the Month
Every week East Lansing Rotary offers compelling speakers on a variety of issues. Coming up…
April 22 – Dr. Marsha Rappley, Dean of MSU’s College of Human Medicine
Michigan State University’s response to the projected shortage of medical professionals
April 29 – Senate Democratic Leader Gretchen Whitmer (D-East Lansing)
Legislative update: the budget, taxes, education funding
May 6 – Jim Hidlay, Vice President of Global Marketing, TechSmith
The software revolution in our classrooms
May 13 – Rich Robinson, Executive Director, Michigan Campaign Finance Network
Campaign finance and gerrymandering: taking ‘representative’ out of our representative democracy?
May 20 – Amy Hodgson, Superintendent of Dansville Schools
Dansville’s pilot “iPad in the Classroom” project
May 27 – Memorial Day (no meeting)
All East Lansing Rotary meetings are open to the general public. Meetings are noon at the University Club of MSU. The $15 meeting charge includes an excellent buffet luncheon, complete with the University Club’s famous dessert table!
For more information, email us!
by Ingrid Nova | Mar 29, 2012 | Speakers for the Month
East Lansing Rotary’s programs for April 2012 are as follows:
April 2 – Rotarian Walt Sorg will be making a presentation about electric vehicles.
April 9 – Pat Lindemann will present an update on projects being undertaken by the Drain Commissioner’s Office.
April 16 – Harvey Schoof, co-author of “Answering the Central Question,” will present on the science of applied neuro-axiology and “how-to principles for integrating your heart, mind and brain to unleash your inner strengths and create a truly extraordinary life.”
April 23 – East Lansing City Manager and Rotarian George Lahanas will present on East Lansing’s budget challenges.
April 30 – Molly Day, Director of Marketing and Development at Ele’s Place, will present about service provided by Ele’s Place and their impact on our community.
by Ingrid Nova | Mar 1, 2012 | Speakers for the Month
MARCH 2012 PROGRAMS for East Lansing Rotary are as follows:
March 5 – Mike Bills, President of MB Strategies, speaking on everyday leadership and how it plays a role in our lives.
March 12 – Tom Rico, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, speaking about the new Michigan Economic Gardening Project and its effect on the state and business.
March 19 – Randy Dean, President of Randall Dean Consulting and author of the book “Taming the Email Beast,” speaking about increasing productivity by controlling how we use email.
March 26 – Vocational Awards Presentation by Jim Bonfiglio and the Community Service Committee.
March 2012 Program Chair:
Tom Conway
by Ingrid Nova | Feb 2, 2012 | Speakers for the Month
The programs for February 2012 are listed below. Join us Mondays at MSU’s University Club, at 12 noon!
February 06: Jackson Kaguri – Update on the happenings at Nyaka School in Uganda
February 13: Bill Eubank – Presentation on his work in China
February 20: Mark Henne – Update on the ongoing bio-sand filter program and the Clean Water Project
February 27: To be announced