International Service

Ghana Project

The International Service Committee has sent the Global Grant “Transforming Communities in Ghana” to Rotary International Foundation for review. We would like to get your support financially. This project is described in this powerpoint presentation. It represents a scalable agricultural effort to reduce undernutrition and food insecurity in the Upper East Region of Ghana where women and children are particularly affected. We are partnering with the Tamala Rotary Club and the University of Tamala in Ghana.  The in-country project manager is Dr. Clement Kubuga with Tamala University.  He earned a Ph.D. degree from Michigan State University in nutritional science.

 Now it is time to fund the project in the amount of $45,000. Funding will come from three sources. We will have $30,000 from RI and DDF (District). Our Club goal is to raise internally $15,000. We have raised $10,500 as of 3/19/2021 (attached). The upcoming sale of Van Atta Green House Coupons will help to raise an additional 15% of its proceeds ($375 per 100 coupons).

Our goal is to complete the Club member funding by May 15, 2021.  Checks are to be made out to the East Lansing Rotary Foundation with Ghana written on the memo line. Please send checks to P.O. Box 4205 East Lansing Michigan 48826-4205.  Our foundation is designated as a 503 (C) entity. Three thousand dollars in anonymous Club member matching funds has already been pledged.

International Service

The committees in this area of service encompasses actions taken to expand Rotary’s humanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world understanding and peace.

Children at Nyaka AIDS Orphan Project

East Lansing Rotary Club International Committee

This committee brings programs with an international interest to the weekly meeting schedule. It also works on fundraisers for international causes supported by the East Lansing Rotary and promotes a welcoming connection to international students and visiting scholars from abroad.

Rotary International Foundation

The mission of the Rotary International Foundation (RIF) is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. 

The Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world.

Paul Harris Fellows

Paul Harris Fellows are donors of $1,000 or more to the Annual Programs Fund, PolioPlus, or the Humanitarian Grants Program, or people who have that amount contributed in their name, can be recognized as Paul Harris Fellows.

Individual Rotarian’s Service Opportunities Partnership

This area of service is an individual Club member’s service to assist in one of the many focused opportunities in international communities. Current Club members have personally served in Africa and Brazil.

Weekly Meeting

Monday From 12 to 1:30
Location: Via ZOOMMeeting
The East Lansing Rotary Club meets twice a month on TUESDAY at 12 Noon. Please check the Event Calendar for current events and meeting dates. Visitors are always welcome!
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Membership Directory

For the membership directory, Rotarians should visit Please contact for assistance or other questions. Thank you!