On Saturday June 4th, the Rotary District Conference recognized Rotarians at the Rotary Heroes Dinner. East Lansing Rotarian Jim Bonfiglio was among 26 honored in the district. Jim Bonfiglio is always ready to serve. He has chaired the Community Service Committee for several years. Under Jim’s leadership, the committee has continued to Club’s Community Grant Program, the Vocational Excellence Awards and our Vocational Visit Program. During his tenure on the Community Service Committee a Student Excellence Award Program was established as well as a plan to recruit students to participate in Rotary Youth Leadership Award Program. Jim has also taken on the assignment of obtaining and maintaining licensing, setting up locations and recruiting volunteers for Charity Poker fund raisers, which have become very successful. Jim is currently active on the Playground In the Park Remember the Park/Revive the Park project as a member of the construction steering committee. He truly is always serving!
- Awards
- Celebrations
- Community Service Ongoing
- District 6360
- East Lansing Rotary Foundation
- Events
- Foundation and Fund Raising
- Memorial
- New Members
- Notable News for Members
- Pancakes in the Park
- Playground in the Park
- President's Message
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- Weekend Survival Kits
- Youth Initiatives