Hello, everyone. At yesterday’s meeting (Nov. 2) we talked about a couple of projects to assist the families @ Haven House — providing Thanksgiving dinner for them and “exit baskets” for the organization to give to families relocating to housing of their own. More information about each of these efforts can be found in the previous post (see below).
Your response to these projects was amazing — and very generous — as those in attendance contributed $344 toward making these projects a reality. That amount represents 86% of our $400 goal for these projects. WOW!! A heartfelt THANK YOU to each and every one of you who contributed to this effort!
If you missed this week’s meeting, but will be attending the Nov. 9 meeting, we will be accepting donations at that time or you can make a donation via check payable to the E.L. Rotary Club.
Once again, thank you for your generous support of Haven House.
Best regards, John Saltzgaber