The Big Bang-Quet Community Charity Challenge
The East Lansing Rotary Foundation makes it possible for our organization to compete in the Big Bang-Quet Community Charity Challenge. This is a special opportunity to raise awareness and funds for our Playground in the Park Re-Imagined project. The timing is wonderful since the the voting structure of the competition makes the cost of supporting our charity within reach of the whole community and comes at a time when the community will be encouraged to participate as we prepare for the final push to completion. The park is expected to be completed in June of 2014.
Share with your Family, Friends and Neighbors
To participate in the Big Bang-Quet Community Charity Challenge Rotarians, friends and supporters are encouraged to visit the voting website: www.universityclubofmsu.org/theclubwithaheart to cast their votes (each vote costs $5) from February 1 – March 24. Votes cast for Playground in the Park Re-Imagined will yield 85% of the fund for the cause. Additionally, should the park project be among the top vote getters there are added benefits, the top prize is a $10,000 banquet at the University Club to be used for further fund-raising.
Sponsors Determined to Succeed
The Playground in the Park is a collaboration between the East Lansing Rotary Club, the City of East Lansing and many sponsors and supporters, including the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund ( a major grantor). Planning and fund-raising has spanned nearly four years as the sponsoring organizations looked for solutions to replacing the aging wooden play structure with a safer, eco-friendly, long-lasting, and accessible play space.