Fellow Rotarians: As you know, The Rotary Club of East Lansing is celebrating its 50th anniversary during 2010- 2011. The renovation of the existing Playground-in-the-Park structure at Patriarche Park has been chosen as the Club’s “Signature Project” for this anniversary year. The cost of the playground renovations has been estimated at upwards of $50,000.

One way that you can help is to make a donation to support this project. Pledge cards are available from any member of the Fundraising Committee. So far, 20 members have pledged or contributed over $6,000 toward this effort. In addition, our East Lansing Rotary Foundation has committed $10,000; for a total of over $16,000.

Contributions of $100 are recognized with a special 50th anniversary Rotary pin. Contributions of $600 or more are recognized with the pin and 2 tickets to the Club’s 50th anniversary celebration slated for September 28, 2011. Gifts above these amounts will include additional acknowledgements.

Your pledge can be accompanied by a check or we can bill you for it; whichever is most convenient for you. Checks should be made payable to “East Lansing Rotary Foundation.” We are also working to add another payment option – PayPal. Look for this link to our Foundation soon on the Club’s website – www.eastlansingrotaryclub.com

Can we count on you to join us in supporting this effort? We look forward to receiving your response and would be pleased to answer any questions you may have about this project.

Thank you for your consideration.

East Lansing Rotary 50th Anniversary Fundraising Committee

Katie Donovan

Kevin Gray

James Roney

Jay Salliotte

John Saltzgaber